Tag Archives: RankActive

Low Conversion Rates? Blame Keyword Cannibalization!

28 July 2021 Edward G. 1 Comment ALL-HANDS SEO

The bigger your website gets, the more issues it accumulates. If you’ve been creating content for a while, the odds are you have several pages that target the same keyword. That causes keyword cannibalization, an issue that can damage your SEO and nullify your optimization efforts.

Google’s MUM: The Future Is Here And SEOs Can’t Prepare For It

13 July 2021 Edward G. 0 Comments ALL-HANDS SEO

Google keeps telling us to care about users, not search engines. Yet, many of us don’t follow this advice. We often try to outsmart Google’s algorithm and obtain good rankings without all the hard work, even if it takes using dangerous black-hat SEO techniques to achieve that. And for everyone brave enough to judge us, […]

How to Track Featured Snippets And Other SERP Features in RankActive

17 June 2021 Edward G. 0 Comments ALL-HANDS SEO

Google does its best to simplify a searcher’s life. While delivering the most relevant results for our queries, it constantly develops new features, enabling us to find the information we need much faster. Thanks to SERP elements surfacing answers to user questions directly in search results, you no longer need to navigate numerous websites to […]

SEO Writing Checklist: How To Make Google Love Your Blog

14 June 2021 Edward G. 0 Comments ALL-HANDS SEO

Writing meaningful and engaging blog posts for SEO is challenging. First, you thoroughly research a topic to make sure your readers get credible and up-to-date information. Then, you spend countless hours writing, putting together tons of info you just learned while also trying to keep your language plain and clear. Afterward, you proofread and review […]